Business Village, Block B Dubai - UAE
Pulse oximeter Fingertip Bromed Adult- This Fingertip Oximeter is intended for measuring the pulse rate and functional oxygen saturation (Sp02) through a patient's finger. It is applicable for spot-checking SpO2, and pulse rate of adult patients in homes and medical clinics.
Technical Specifications:- A. Sp02 Measurement: Transducer: dual-wavelength LED sensor with wavelength Red light: 663 nm, Infrared light: 890 nm. Sp02 display range: 35%~100% Sp02 measuring accuracy: -<3% for Sp02 range from 70% to 100%. B. Pulse Rate measurement: PR display range: 30bpm~240bpm PR measuring accuracy +-2bpm or +-2% (which ever is greater) C. Perfusion Index(PI) Display range: 0%~20% Dimensions: 66 mm (L) x 36 mm (W) x 33mm (H) Net Weight: approx. 60g