Business Village, Block B Dubai - UAE
This folding walker with aluminum wheels offers a lot of stability when walking. Both arms must be used to use it. The wheels facilitate walking, as you do not need to lift the walker, and help it to slide.
Dimensions: 62x 50cm Adjustable in height: 79- 96 cm Maximum weight: 100 Kg Item Weight: 2.6 Kg The walker is a technical aid for mobility. It is a metallic structure that provides the user with greater stability and support when walking and, in many cases, provides greater psychological tranquility. The walkers are indicated for people with weakness in one or both lower limbs, people with balance disorders or those who present a global decrease in strength but who maintain enough strength in the upper limbs to handle it. There is a wide variety and type of walkers. It is important to choose the most suitable for each patient to guarantee maximum functionality.