Business Village, Block B Dubai - UAE
Indications: Physical thrombosis prophylaxis in immobile patients - pre-, intra- and post-operative Prevention and therapy of post-operative and post-traumatic oedema Anti-bacterial toe area Soft, breathable knitted fabric Secure hold thanks to the silicone topband Product benefits: Anatomically knitted stocking with precisely defined compression gradient Antibacterial toe area Inspection opening on the sole of the foot allows to check the circulation and reduces the risk of falling Optimum care thanks to silicone topband with size indicator Soft heel for pressure relief Colour marking at the heel for easy and correct positioning Colour-coded size system for quick and simple selection of the stocking size Suitable for thigh circumferences up to 90 cm Also available with waist attachment
Lengths Below-knee stocking Upper thigh-length stocking Material components 18 % Elastane 82 % Polyamide Latex-free