Business Village, Block B Dubai - UAE
The ADC Adscope 604 offers legendary acoustics, performance, and functionality for pediatric care. The combination pediatric chestpiece offers both an ultra-sensitive diaphragm for greater amplification and crisper high-frequency transmission as well as an extra-deep bell for unsurpassed low-frequency response. Our adjustable frequency (AFD) technology allows you to tune the diaphragm to further enhance high- and low-frequency response. The headset offers stainless-steel binaurals are fixed at a 15º angle for greater comfort and a reinforcing yoke molded into flexible 22-inch PVC tubing.
Extra-large bell (1 1/8" diameter) for unsurpassed low-frequency response 1 3/8" diameter diaphragm for greater amplification and crisper high-frequency response with adjustable frequency design (AFD) technology Non-chill bell and diaphragm retaining rims for patient comfort. Reinforcing yoke molded into 22" PVC “Y” tubing. Tubing is soft and flexible and has been made without phthalates since 2014. Stainless-steel binaurals fixed at 15º angle for greater comfort. Adsoft™ Plus silicone eartips with new snap-on connection for the ultimate in wearing comfort and acoustic seal. Accessory kit includes two pairs of spare Adsoft™ Plus eartips Scope ID tag included. Weighs 4.6 oz (131 g) Overall length 29.5" Lifetime warranty covers all parts.